Fuel for Your Climb
with Athletes Raised in San Diego County
The Classroom of the Future Foundation (CFF), the San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) and Cloudcast Media have teamed up to produce the To The Mountaintop podcast series. This 12-part series addresses social-emotional learning concepts.
The initial iteration focuses on well-known athletes raised in San Diego. The second iteration, slated for the 2021-2022 school year, will focus on successful local CEO’s and entrepreneurs, and a third iteration—set for the 2022-2023 academic year—will shine a light on leaders in the nonprofit world.
This 12-part series is co-hosted by Drew Schlosberg—a 14-year local podcast veteran and a member of the CFF Advisory Board—and a student at the high school in which the athlete attended. The 30-minute podcasts highlight the student interviewing the athlete with questions regarding the athlete’s early years growing up in San Diego, their role models, life in college and in their profession, asking them to provide social-emotional advice on overcoming life’s obstacles, and, finally, having them expound on what skills are needed to be successful in the 21st Century work environment.
With COVID-19 changing the instructional landscape to provide more digital support to our families throughout San Diego County, the notion of digitally embedded podcasts addressing social-emotional learning concepts makes a lot of sense. We feel that providing San Diego County students with authentic stories from interviews with former and current athletes regarding their resiliency, determination and grit is a great value to our students.
Finally, we plan on providing each of the student interviewers with college or career scholarships.
For more information about the To The Mountaintop podcast series, please contact Tom Davis, Director of Business Development, at tomdavis70@gmail.com or 619-607-2876 (cell).